Amber Jean is the founder of Rocket Yoga Academy and her studio in Cincinnati Yoga ah. She was one of the first rocket yoga instructors in the United States after graduating her first teachers training with Larry Schultz, the founder of Rocket yoga, in May 2000.
Here is more of her story in her words!
This is Amber Jean in Ireland on a break from teaching Rocket Yoga Workshops at Yoga Hub in Dublin
The Jean Story
I grew up in Cincinnati Ohio and graduated School for Creative and Performing Arts with a specialty in fine art and photography.
While I was growing up my best friend Mohini was an olympic gymnast and lived down the street from me, this is where I met her mother Indu.
Indu is a sanskrit scholar and opened one of the first yoga studios in Cincinnati, she was my first yoga instructor. She told me about Larry Schultz's, It’s Yoga teacher training in San Francisco and with a prophecy that I would teach yoga for her, I traveled there in the year 2000, where I graduated my first yoga training certification in Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga and Rocket 1 sequencing.
In the beginning of my youth I was far from a physically fit person, I was very thin and had no muscles. After highschool I began going to a gym in the basement of a boat house on the river, this is where I began to develop a focus for physical training and eventually that led me into karate where I mastered 3 belts. It was during karate that I discovered that I could do the “splits” or hanumanasana. This fed my drive to loving yoga, the physical and spiritual aspects of the practice. I was always a little different from everyone else and was interested in mysticism from an early age. So the two tied together with yoga. However when I discovered Larry Schultz's teachings I was completely hooked because his style of teaching gave me the strength I could not achieve in other yoga classes.
I took Ashtanga and Rocket Vinyasa as my main practice and sought out more teachers that were trained in the Ashtanga yoga lineage. I practiced with Chuck and Maty Miller, Tim Miller, Lino Miele, the Kest brothers, Vicki Sorenson, Shiva Rae, Beryl Bender Birch, David and Doug Swenson to name a few. But I credit Larry Schultz with the most influence of my teaching and practice.
Amber Jean enjoying the sights in Rome after teaching at Yoga Lab introducing her Bottle Rocket Routines
Larry Schultz 1950 - 2011 creator of It’s Yoga System and the Rocket Sequences
After my teachers training I came back to Cincinnati and taught at Indu’s Its Yoga for 7 years. With Larry’s guidance I opened Yoga ah Studio in Cincinnati so I would have more creative control with the classes we offer and integrated Larry’s system of classes specifically “ The Rocket System”, and with the addition of some cross training classes, like Yoga Abs as well as calming classes like Candle Light Yoga.
Larry and I shared a special bond and I traveled out to San Francisco regularly as well as him coming to Cincinnati to assist in his teacher training programs. I attended Larry’s 10 day Rocket Training in 2007 and was one of the first people certified to instruct rocket in the world.
I met the partner of my kids Dion Savage at It's Yoga Cincinnati and we started a family together. He also became certified by Larry Schultz and the two of us have taught all over Cincinnati and in Adams County, where we taught in a “shed”. We also traveled to Van Couver with our 8 month old son, Atrayue, in 2002 to assist Larry in opening It’s Yoga Vancouver, the first international school in Larry’s vision.
This is the essence I want to convey to you. I got into yoga at a time when it was on the preface of becoming a big market. When I started we didn’t even have “yoga clothes”, the first yoga clothes I remember seeing were at Old Navy…. thanks for reading this… its a work in progress, I have been teaching and sharing the rocket and Ashtanga for 24 years.
Some of her highlights include offering Rocket programs in Vancouver, San Fransisco, Cincinnati, New Mexico, Athens Georgia, London, Brighton England, Dublin, Belfast, Rome Italy, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
Amber Jean-Marie is currently avalible to travel to your hometown and studio to offer trainings. If you are interested email her at
Amber Gean Rocket Yoga Project Circa 2013 Cincinnati
Yoga Ah Studio, Cincinnati Ohio
Nicaragua Rocket Training, January 2016
Nicaragua Rocket Training, January 2016
Rocket Academy Graduates Cincinnati, February 2016
Yoga ah Graduates 200 hour, 2017 Cincinnati
Larry Schultz and Amber Jean-Marie Sonoma 2010
Rocket Yoga Project Retreat Center 2012-2014
Yoga ah 200 hour 2014, Cincinnati
Amber Jean-Marie in Nicaragua 2016
Rocket Training Brighton England 2016
Amber Jean-Marie Cincinnati 2019
Yoga Ah Studio
Amber Gean
Rocket Retreat
Amber Gean- Marie