Rocket Testimonials Virtual Rocket

Testimonial for online rocket training:

Amber has a singular ability to make her students feel absolutely seen, even through the screen of a computer.  She effortlessly offered incredibly useful verbal cues that helped to stabilize my standing poses, and gave me tips on what to work on for my challenge poses.  The online training was rich with information, insight, encouragement, philosophy, and practice.  I highly recommend Amber's online rocket training.

Sarah Beam, Georgia

Review :

Amber is a wonderful, down to earth, passionate light in this world. This journey has allowed me to explore a deeper sense of what yoga is all about. Thanks to her and rocket yoga academy, I have finally been able to do this training and it has been such a blessing. It has improved my Yoga practice physically, mentally and spiritually. The group was amazing and the energy was truly supportive and nurturing. I can’t wait to share and explore the magic of Rocket and keep the energy alive as I take it further into my life and teachings. 

Christy Hive, Canada


Doing the 75h Online Rocket Training really was a great experience. It was new but still had somehow a familiar feeling, which I loved. Amber is a true source of the Rocket, as she practiced with Larry for sooooo long. It was important to me to find that kind of true source as I am from Germany and over here Rocket is still unknown. Not only did she teach us how Larry Schultz, the founder of the Rocket, taught and many stories about him, she also put in her own way of teaching and all the knowledge she has. She was very supportive all through the process and helping me to be able to join the training despite the challenges we faced (like time differences, etc.). The training includes a lot of advice on how to teach the Rocket and how to instruct. I found this very helpful, if you want to teach afterwards. I really hope to meet Amber and some of my fellow Rocket Teachers one day, so we can really connect in person. If you are looking for a great Rocket training I totally recommend Amber Jean-Marie! Jessica Kasprzak, Berlin Germany


Amber Jean’s Rocket Training on zoom was a genuinely multifaceted experience filled with depth.  We started practicing most days with a different approach to Rocket along with some very well-coordinated cross-training exercises.  Amber’s encouragement to be comfortable with the uncertainties of learning and encouraged us to “Live through the question” to further free our minds to explore our version of The Rocket.   She was able to pay homage to the late Larry Shultz and weaved her own practice and unique teaching ideas into the practice while encouraging her students to become their own teachers and to teach the Rocket based on our interpretation of it.   

This training was just as philosophical as it was physical as we worked on developing our philosophies along with exploring the meditative qualities of The Rocket practice and beyond.  Although, I would have preferred to be in the studio it was amazing sharing this experience with people around the world simultaneously.   I recommend this training as a way to either advance your practice or to begin teaching the Rocket.   Amber truly embraced the idea of the inner teacher and kept ego out of the classroom.   It was truly a dream learning environment.   I highly recommend this training to further empower your mind and body experience.   

Jeremy Foltz aka Downward Darwin 

Oakland, California 

Amber Jean , I can’t thank you enough for this training! I have been wanting to do it since I finished my 200 hour, and I’m just so tickled that even through the difficulties that covid has brought us all, this training came to fruition. It was a wonderful couple of weekends, and I feel like in some ways, I may have gained more through doing this online than I would have in person. I do say MAYBE, because I would have given a lot to be able to do this in person at Yoga Ah again; but at the same time, there was a deeper responsibility on me to dive in rather than just absorb. What a tremendous group of people I am privileged to have spent 9 days with, thanks to you!

You are always an inspiration to me; your yoga practice is so beautiful to watch! You flow so effortlessly through it. I hope one day, I float too! All is coming though, right? 🤪 Aside from your practice, I am in awe of the way you run your business. You treat everyone like family, have an unbelievable memory, and people are immediately drawn to you. I deeply admire the way you humbly serve your community. I can’t imagine the vision, time, and effort it took for you to shift this training online. I’d call it a HUGE success! THANK YOU for allowing me to be a part of it, and I truly hope we can meet up next time I’m in Cincinnati (or, heck, if you make it to Texas, or wherever we land next)!!!

I’m feeling so inspired and ready to teach again!!! Late last year, I completed a Warriors At Ease level 1 training to be able to better serve military members and their families in the hopes that I could offer more yoga in that community. That requires more one on one focus, I believe, as some may have PTSD, TBI, or other injuries (visible or invisible), so I’m still working through how the heck to do that with Ryan’s unpredictable and inconsistent work schedule plus moving frequently. I also envision finding a way to reach parents, whether their kids be younger or older, to give them a safe space to breathe. I feel like a lot of parenting is about finding your inner calm AND your inner strength/power, and I’d love to help other parents build on those qualities without a parenting class; it’s more like utilizing yoga to develop and strengthen the tools we already have inside us to help us shape these little people. They’re the future of our world, so why not get “real” with ourselves, let go of the parenting image on instagram, and navigate through our day to day using the mat? So, anyway, I need to figure out a way to bring these visions to life, whether I start with one or both. I foresee reaching the parenting community a little easier through online platforms (YouTube videos to start? Maybe zoom classes? I love the energy of a class more than just videoing myself!). Maybe that’s where I begin, with a video or two published and then inviting family and friends to join me on zoom. I’m not very tech savvy these days! 😂 For me, a huge silver lining through covid has been that everything has moved virtual - virtual I can do, in-person these days for me is trickier with child care. Perhaps I can use that as a launching point. I am a little intimidated to teach online, as I love the chit chat with my students and being able to see everyone clearly live, but as with anything, I’m sure I’ll adjust! I’m SO very open to suggestions and ideas. I’ve been brainstorming with Ryan, and I’d really love to use the Rocket momentum to propel me forward finally!

Erin Rojas Roberts Texas

I had the opportunity to participate in Amber's first Virtual Rocket Training. It was a wonderful opportunity to further my practice and become a better instructor during a very unique time. It was a wonderful experience to learn about Larry Schultz and the philosophy behind the Rocket, and to learn and practice alongside teachers from so many different places. The virtual training gave me the opportunity to dive deeper into the materials on my own, in addition to going over them during our virtual sessions and to find comfort in practicing in a familiar space. I can recommend training with Amber enough! Thank you for sharing the Rocket with us!  Miss Molly Moon Georgia

Ive joined the virtual rocket Training from Amber Jean, and I’m happy that I did.

It was an truly awesome experience, where I’ve learned a lot!!

I have finally found the yoga style I was searching for, that totally fits me. It is fun and challenging at the same time. I love the way Amber teaches the rocket, it’s like she is the rocket her self, she is also playful and kind, the times we were together at the training felt great and cozy, it was a good vibe!  When I heard she did a training again I knew I really wanted to join again!! Amber also gives tips and tricks to everyone, even though it’s virtual I still felt like she saw me and each of everyone of us!❤️

With love,
