Looking Ahead Rocket Girl Reflects back


Larry lived bigger than life. At one time his San Francisco studio was over 5000 square ft. In the early 2000's Larry's drive to live bigger than life fueled him to open It's Yoga Vancouver. Larry's dream was to live in San Francisco half of the year and Vancouver the other half and fly up and down the west coast to share his presence with both studios throughout the year.

Creating time in my own life to reflect about the new year, I have thought of everything that has happened in 2016, which is a lot including 5 day trainings in Nicaragua,England, and my home town Cincinnati. As well as contemplate what preceded 2016 , which has lead up to the whole concept of Rocket training. 

Larry loved the Rocket and the results it produced in his own life as well as his students. The Rocket became a vehicle for Larry to make his dreams bigger that his life. 

As Rocket Girl looks ahead to 2017 there are a ton of great exciting events and trainings planned, as well as new opportunities to share the Rocket. However the real goal is to tie the past to the future, following the Rocket map Larry left behind.

It's Yoga Vancouver had one successful year where Larry lived "the dream". The studio in Vancouver saw one successful 28 day intensive yoga teacher training that I had the honor to help facilitate, working along side Larry. I saw the dream and was a part of it. Looking ahead at 2017 the first 5 day Rocket training is scheduled to take place in Vancouver at The Yoga Root from February 24th - 28th this will mark Larry's 5 year maha samadhi, or when he left his body. The plan is to follow the map. Hopefully create a lighter atmosphere for everyone to practice the Rocket and make not only my own dreams bigger than my life but give others a vehicle to make their dreams bigger.

One more year to work on the dream, one more year to practice the Rocket, one more year to keep Larry's legacy going until it is strong enough to have its own wings to fly.

Om Namo Shiva Omm 

Amber Gean