Let’s take a moment and transport ourselves back in time to 2011 the year that Larry Schultz took his last breath and left his body. It happened in late February in Toledo Ohio, I happened to be there so I know it was real, I saw it with my own eyes. After it happened it was a time of great mourning and sorrow. I had a teachers training going on at my studio Yoga ah which by the way featured the full Rocket system. I was very close with Larry and he actually helped me choose the name. Yoga ah was a take on It’s Yoga but if you say It’s Yoga in Spanish it’s Yoga Hey or if you say things with fondness in Canada you add a long ‘A’ sound so out of those two things Larry and I decided it would be called Yoga ah and so it was. Anyhow, I had my training going on and the students knew how close I was with Larry and helped me mourn. It was during this mourning period that The Rocket Yoga Project began. This was an independent project which aimed to continue the work of Larry Schultz. It was during this time that we had our first ‘pilot’ Rocket Training which began at Yoga ah and then I invited everyone up to my house in the woods. Because what better place to really get into the practice of yoga than the woods? This is when I began researching what was already written about the Rocket and began to write a more tangible manual. I freely shared my writing with It’s Yoga which was slowly in transition to become It’s Yoga International. I actually worked with It’s Yoga International for 3 years after Larry passed but after awhile I decided I could train more yogis in the Rocket if I moved at my own pace and offer Rocket Training at my studio Yoga ah as well as take the Rocket on the road and offer Rocket Training’s in exotic locations. The Rocket Yoga Project eventually evolved into The RYA or Rocket Yoga Academy.
The formulation of Rocket Yoga Academy was born around 2014 when I reserved my gmail name rocketyogaacademy@gmail.com as well as take out the domain for my body of work that I was creating.
What drove me to do all this was a belief in something bigger than myself. I believed in the true healing nature and the therapeutic benefits of The Rocket or lets say we call it the “Schultz System” of yoga, what ever you want to call it, its a tangible and an accessible way of practicing Ashtanga and by working on this body of work, my life work though my own body, my own experiences with my students and studying yoga in general for over 20 years I notice that it keeps evolving. Over time I developed Bottle Rockets to get you there even faster and continue to develop more routines so that when you practice the yoga remains therapeutic.
So where are we now? It’s Yoga has ceased offering Rocket Trainings. When you type in Rocket Yoga into Google literally 1000’s of links pop up in the search engine and It’s great! The Rocket lives.
All I can say is that we have been training yogis for over 21 years and RYA offers that experience of the Rocket. This is our Rocket, this is the Rocket that Larry Schultz supported when he was alive so by taking training with us you are supporting Larry’s dream. We look forward to sharing the Rocket with you as well as growing our organization so that maybe one day you to will lead amazing teachers training in exotic locations as well. Bless all of you, thanks for taking the time to read this. Namaste, Amber Jean-Marie