Why Did Larry Create The Rocket?


Rocket and Ashtanga Yoga

The Rocket consists of poses from the traditional sequences of ashtanga yoga. These sequences were discovered in Mysore and transcribed by Krisnamachara and Pattabi Jois. Traditionally the poses are practiced in a set sequence while the instructor goes around giving intense adjustments to get you deeper in the pose. A traditional ashtanga practice usually takes up to 90 - 120 minutes.

Larry Schultz practiced in this traditional manner for 7 years. As Larry began instructing ashtanga yoga in the west he noticed a need to make this ancient system of practice more accessible. This began the development of The Rocket. In the Rocket system of practice the poses are grouped around the joints of your body. The Rocket offers 45 minute routines up to 75 minute routines. In a Rocket practice you do not see the intense adjustments of Mysore rather a more gentle approach to adjusting that encourages  you to tune into your inner teacher and use what we all have from within. These routines are a way to develop an ancient practice in a modern setting.

Rocket and Spirituality

Practicing the Rocket can allow the parctitioner an opportunity to study the self while approaching strength and weakness as equals.Through the practice of breathing ujjai breath we create a mirror to study the self. As you become more challenged in your practice you notice that you can do things you had no idea you could do. Suddenly your mind and body “let go” allowing one to get in touch with amazing creativity and the beauty of our “SELF”. Through learning to love ourselves on the mat we learn to love each other more. We are able to gain clarity and a better understanding of our wants and needs on and off the mat so we can begin to manifest our dreams. This is the real yoga to bring peace back into our hearts.

Rocket and Fitness and Why The Rocket works ! Stay Tuned for nest Blog post!!