November 16, 2023
As Amme and I set our sights to our vision of uniting our rocket yoga communities and expanding our teachings I feel it very relevant to talk about overcoming obstacles and how accepting change plays an important part of growth and transformation.
Larry talked a lot about how insecurities cloud our mind so thick that we stop living up to our full potential on and off the mat. This can not be more true in my experience. There is so much pressure to perform and live up to social media expectations of how we should look, talk and post about our journey that it's easy to get overwhelmed and freeze up. But I want to encourage all of you and remind all of you that YOU ARE SPECIAL, and you all have something very special to share with the world. A lot of my teachings are based on all the hardships I have gone through and overcome. Whether it's an injury, weight gain or experiencing great loss or even little loss, these challenges are an integral part of how we learn and grow.
Amme and Amber Jean-Marie long time students of Larry Schultz the original Rocket Man!
I lost my brick and mortar studio during the pandemic and had much success online but something was always missing from my day to day purpose. I found solace in starting a whole yoga program at my local rec center and guess what? It only made me stronger and expanded the way that I can teach a wide range of students. Things slowly evolved into me opening Yoga ah Home studio, which is a dream realized. I never thought that I could have a peaceful enough home to be able to do this. I was at such a loss when my children turned 18 and 21 and did not need me (as much), it sent me spiraling into the depths of confusion. Even though we crave change, change is very challenging to accept as it's happening. It takes time to rediscover oneself and the new roles we play in our life.
The key always comes back to our practice.Rocket yoga practice gives you confidence in yourself no matter what. Larry's philosophy comes back to the inner teacher holding the key. When you quiet your mind in yoga practice your deepest truths are realized and you become more focused to align your actions with your goals. This is the change we all seek but have trouble making those first steps.Creating a self practice can help, it can be the first step in getting you in tune with your innermost truths. Amme and I look forward to giving you the tools for creating a solid home practice as well as a community to practice and share the journey with. Because “it's not what yoga can do for us but for what we can do for yoga” #larryschultz