Yoga ah in Cincinnati Ohio is the oldest established studio in the United State to offer Rocket Yoga Training and Classes.
Read moreThe Evolution of Rocket Yoga with Amme and Amber
Amme and Amber Jean-Marie Senior Rocket Instructors and Mentors
Amme and Amber Jean-Marie are leading the way for the evolution of Rocket Yoga through over 40+ years combined experience. Rocket Yoga is thier passion and they are sharing it with the world.
Read moreBig Bridge Over Water
Rocket Girl Amber Jean-Marie travels around the world sharing her passion for rocket yoga and life!
Read moreYou are Stronger than you Think you are!
As Amme and I set our sights to our vision of uniting our rocket yoga communities and expanding our teachings I feel it very relevant to talk about overcoming obstacles and how accepting change plays an important part of growth and transformation.
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