Why Train with Amme and Amber ?
Amme and Amber both have extensive experience teaching and practicing rocket that can be traced back to the late 90’s and early 2000’s as both were very close to Larry Schultz.
They both believe in the longevity of the practice and both their teachings go back to Larry’s original vision which was to make ashtanga yoga more accessible as well as allow your teaching to change and evolve to meet the needs of the students.
Over time the handstands and more advanced poses come.
Both Amme and Amber understand that there is no rushing the process as each of them have been practicing for over 20 years. It is from their experience teaching that they teach what works. Meaning Amber has developed Bottle Rockets, mini Rocket routines as well as Medicine Rocket Yoga which offers a slower warm up and Amme has been developing Hot Rocket and her versions of 1 hour Zoom Rocket Yoga. These spin offs from traditional Rocket 1 and 2 are all 1 hour classes. They both strongly believe in the one hour format as a way to be consistent with your yoga practice when the demands of life are real.
Both Amme and Amber are single mothers, who are always on the go. They run their own unique yoga programs and offer a full schedule of classes as well as work together during Rocket Trainings where they have offered 3 successful training sessions at TriYoga in London. They both believe in practicing yoga so you feel better in your body and mind, it's not what the poses look like, it's about a lifestyle, or living the yoga.
Here is their schedule and where to find them.
Amme https://www.rajarocketyoga.com
And Amber at Rocket Yoga Academy and http://www.yogaahstudio.com
Amme and Amber Jean-Marie After Rocket Yoga Training in London